On this page, I'm trying to collect useful resources I used to improve my home:
- MacBury Smart House my first attempt at these docs were heavily inspired by him.
- Denys Dovhan Smart Home the iteration you see now is mostly an amalgamation of MacBury and Denys smart home configs. MacBury's was too complex for my setup but this config strikes a healthy balance between the two.
- Kinga Castle Smart Home Configuration my first ever exposure to a Home Assistant dashboard and config.
- I've also curated a list of my favorite Home Assistant configs on GitHub for extra inspiration.
- How I set up room-cleaning automation with Google Home, Home-Assistant and Xiaomi vacuum cleaner
- Actionable Notifications for Home Assistant
- Docker Compose MariaDB Multiple Database about provisioning MariaDB databases.
YouTube Channels
- JuanMTech YouTube Channel about general Home Assistant setup. Very high-quality videos.
- Zack Barett YouTube Channel mostly about Lovelace UI configuration and new Home Assistant features.
- DrZzs YouTube Channel about almost every possible smart-home related stuff. His hovering talking head might look a bit weird and even creepy, but the content itself is very useful.
- Grayson Adams about devices overview, basic Home Assistant setup.
- DB Tech generally about server administration. Mostly about Docker, Portainer, self-hosted services, OpenMediaVault, and Raspberry Pi. Very high-quality videos.
- Smart Home Solver Beginner friendly and my favorite for Home Assistant and dad jokes.
YouTube Videos
- Raspberry Pi 4 Home Server playlist by DB Tech is specifically about smart-home hosted on Raspberry Pi.
- Super Simple Cloudflare and Nginx Proxy Manager Setup Using YOUR Domain by Geeked
- CloudFlare - FREE Additional Security For Your Home Server! by DB Tech
- Awesome Home Assistant for general links related to Home Assistant
- Home Assistant Twitter for news and community interactions